Monday, January 19, 2009

Hindu Personalities

At the beginning of this programme, and later many times, we have seen that it is possible to explore a specific religion by closely studying prominent persons of that particular religion.

Students are expected to explore two Hindu personalities:

A. Mahatma Gandhi

B. Amma, both to whom we have made reference in the class several times –

Notice among the two one a man, the other a woman; one is living the other, the other dead; one greatly involved in politics, the other not involved politics but wrapped with the community, etc.!

A. Mahatma Gandhi

He is popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi, or simply Ghandi. Bu his real name is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (M. K. Gandhi). His dates are 1869-1948.

Here is one place where you can read a lot about Gandhi:

I like you to browse this site and explore two specific concepts of Gandhi on your own! The two concepts are:

1. Ahimsa (often translated as non-injury)! You may go to the Gandhi’s Philosophy section and click on to explore the 6th chapter of the online book “All Men are Brothers”!

2. Self-Discipline. In that same book “All Men are Brothers” chapter 7 provides Gandhi’s thoughts.

B. Amma

In Amma (b. 1953) one may see the Hindu counter part of the Catholic Blessed Theresa (or Mother Theresa) that you studied in the last semester. Visit the following site to explore Amma, meaning, literally, mother, to understand her faith and her mission:

1. Amma believes that the “beauty and charm of selfless love and service should not die away from the face of the earth.” Hence, her life is dedicated to “a life inspired by love and service to humanity”.

2. If so, how will she summarise the “Hindu Faith” into that one word “Compassion”?

3. What, then, does she mean by “spirituality”? Explore her spiritual practices such as selfless-services, meditation, bhajan, puja, japa and satsang.
C. Thoughts of Great Sages

Gandhi on Service

“Service is not possible unless it is rooted in love or ahimsa.”

“Voluntary service of others demands the best of which one is capable, and must take precedence over service of self.”

“For me, humanitarian service, or rather service of all that lives, is religion. And I draw no distinction between such religion and politics.”

“My creed is service of God and therefore of humanity.”

Amma and Her Teachings on Spirituality

“Spirituality is the practical science of life.” It is a way of exploring and relating in our real life, that which is beyond “the physical existence”!

“Meditation and studying the scriptures are like two sides of a coin. The engraving on that coin is selfless service, and that is what gives it its real value. Our compassion and acts of selflessness take us to the deeper truths. Through selfless action we can eradicate the ego that conceals the Self. Detached, selfless action leads to liberation. Such action is not just work; it is karma yoga.” Emphasis is mine!

Questions to explore:

1. Discuss in detail Gandhi’s concept of ahimsa and comment on its relevance for global peace today.

2. Critique Gandhi’s concept of self-discipline and explore its relevance to the sustainability of world’s resources!

3. Explain Amma’s understanding of spirituality and the spiritual practices she promotes.