October 3rd (Fall 2008):
1. There will be no lectures.
2. Students should independently read the Book of Exodus and the Book of Esther (in the Bible). These Biblical Books are readily available from http://www.devotions.net/bible/00old.htm Students should explore:
1. The ten plagues and the Passover festival mentioned in the Book of Exodus. The ten plagues are:
a. The plague of the river Nile turning red – 7:14-25.
b. The plague of frogs – 8:1-15.
c. The plague of gnats – 8:16-19.
d. The plague of flies – 8:20-32.
e. The plague of livestock disease – 9:1-7.
f. The plague of boils – 9:8-12.
g. The plague of hail – 9:22-35.
h. The plague of locusts – 10:1-20.
i. The plague of darkness for three days and three nights – 10:21-29.
j. The plague of first-born in Egypt – 11:1-8.
2. The background to the Purim festival that is celebrated in the Jewish community with much fun.
Questions to Explore:
1. List four themes you encounter in Torah and explain two of them in detail. [Please read LR, pages 271-275.]
2. Discuss the Jewish concept of God commenting on “YHWH or YHVH”, known as “tetragrammaton” and the Hebrew word “Adonoi”. [Please read LR, pages 238-242. Also read from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahweh and other sources found in the library or Internet.]
3. What is Zionism? Explain. [Please read LR, pages 267-271.]