1. Please go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiddler_on_the_Roof
Read about the musical movie “Fiddler on the Roof”, parts of which we will watch in the class on September 22nd. From the above mentioned website you may go to other links at the bottom to explore further on Jewish Spirituality!
What kind of Jewish thoughts and Jewish practices do you learn from that movie? What kind of thoughts does Tevye, the main character of the movie, express on “Jewish family”? When traditional religious thoughts clash with contemporary concerns what happens to religion?
2. You may browse the web or pick up the book The Red Tent: A Novel, (New York: Picador, 1997), a novel by Anita Diamant to explore the aspect of family in the Jewish community of the ancient biblical times.
Can you consider Anita Diamant a Jewish feminist? Is she critiquing the Jewish Patriarchy of the Jewish patriarchs, Isaac, Jacob, and his sons? Has Diamant got any thoughts on “Jewish family”?
Read about the musical movie “Fiddler on the Roof”, parts of which we will watch in the class on September 22nd. From the above mentioned website you may go to other links at the bottom to explore further on Jewish Spirituality!
What kind of Jewish thoughts and Jewish practices do you learn from that movie? What kind of thoughts does Tevye, the main character of the movie, express on “Jewish family”? When traditional religious thoughts clash with contemporary concerns what happens to religion?
2. You may browse the web or pick up the book The Red Tent: A Novel, (New York: Picador, 1997), a novel by Anita Diamant to explore the aspect of family in the Jewish community of the ancient biblical times.
Can you consider Anita Diamant a Jewish feminist? Is she critiquing the Jewish Patriarchy of the Jewish patriarchs, Isaac, Jacob, and his sons? Has Diamant got any thoughts on “Jewish family”?